Planning Context
The Proposal
The proposal comprises circa 90 residential units, a retail unit, a care home and a children’s nursery all within an attractive and contextually sympathetic landscaped environment.
There is a strong demand for housing in both Craignure and the Isle of Mull and the proposed development seeks to address the current shortfall of housing with a wide range of private and affordable houses being proposed. Additionally there is an evident need for both a Care Home and Children’s Nursery and as such both have been integrated into the development proposal.
The illustrated layout is indicative at this stage and comments are welcomed so the proposals can be further developed.
Local Context
Local Development Plan (LDP 2)
Argyll & Bute Council are in the process of adopting a new Local Development Plan (LDP 2) for Argyll & Bute. It is anticipated that the LDP will be adopted in the first half of 2022.
The application site is included within the Proposed LDP for residential development. The Proposed LDP will be a material consideration of any future planning application.
Local Authority Development Plan Design Policies
The design has been prepared in the context of all relevant Argyll and Bute council policy documents including the Argyll and Bute Sustainable Design Guidance 2 for Larger Housing Developments (2006), which outlines an Action Checklist for Larger Housing Developments:
Establish a ‘pattern for the development’
Consider the landscape and built setting
Design for long term sustainability
Design for accessibility
Consider a sustainable design for infrastructure, access, parking and servicing
Design the layout to take account of security and safe pedestrian routes
Design to create character
Consider the massing, proportion and scale of houses within the development and consider materials and construction details
Carefully design windows and openings
Consider the use of porches and sunspaces
Gardens, planting and boundary treatments.
National Context
National planning policy requires that all Councils provide a generous supply of land for housing with a minimum 5 year effective land supply to be maintained at all times whilst locating new development in sustainable locations in terms of transport options and proximity to services.
Reference has been made to a number of National Guidance Documents including:
Designing Streets
PAN 44 Fitting New Housing Developments into the Landscape
PAN 61 Planning and Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems
PAN 65 Planning and Open Space
PAN 67 Housing Quality
PAN 68 Design Statements
PAN 78 Inclusive Design
PAN 83 Masterplanning
PAN 75 Planning for Transport